
NeuroAI Tutorial building: ARNI is co-developing a new NeuroAI course with Neuromatch Academy. Our Associate Director, Xaq Pitkow, is leading the effort with this project and asks for some urgent short-term help. “We're trying to build a few tutorials on how microcircuits provide a useful inductive bias. One of these tutorials is about attention in brains and machines. The perspective I’d like to offer is how attention serves to change the graph of what neurons (or variables) interact with others, like this tutorial. Would anyone be available and willing to help out? It’s for a great cause, and you’d be credited with content creation for what should be wide dissemination”! Please contact Xaq Pitkow at or reach out to us for more information. 
The Neuromatch Academy TA opportunities closed on March 17, 2024. However, if faculty or any of the trainees need any sort of accommodations or have questions, please contact us immediately and by the end of this week to discuss the application. Additionally, student applications are still open until March 24, 2024 for those interested in attending the academy. 
Neuromatch Academy

Benjamin Eyre (Richard Zemel group at Columbia) and Katherine Xu (Jianbo Shi group at UPenn) have graciously volunteered to spearhead the ARNI Trainee Club. 

We are calling for 2 more trainees who are interested to lead the club (for a period of 6 months), ideally one from the Zuckerman Institute, and 1 more at our partner institutions. 

Upcoming Events

You can find any upcoming seminars and events on ARNI's evolving website,

March 21: The Continual Learning Working Group at 1:30pm 

March 22: Center for Theoretical Neuroscience presents Jennifer Groh at 11:30am in Zuckerman Institute, 3227 Broadway, Conf room: JLG, L5-084

April 4: Data Science Day 2024 presented by the Data Science Institute from 8am to 5pm 
(Registration and more information can be found here)

April 12: Animal Behavior Video Analysis Working Group presents Srini Turaga, PhD, Group Leader from HHMI Janelia Research Campus at 3pm in Zuckerman Institute, 3227 Broadway, Conf room: L3-079

April 15: Breakthrough Technologies: Quantum Computing & AI Panel, ARNI partners with NYSCI and Columbia Engineering on at 6pm 

Please fill out ARNI’s demographic survey:

Free NSF computational resources for ARNI- ACCESS
Please consider opening accounts with NSF-sponsored ACCESS system providing free computational resources. You will readily be approved (within 24 hours) for EXPLORE or DISCOVER tiers. NSF does not encourage use of ACCELERATE unless there is a depleted DISCOVER allocation before. It can take a few weeks for an ACCELERATE application to be approved.

You will need to add the following information under the grant support section:

Grant Title: AI Institute for Artificial and Natural Intelligence
PI Name: Richard Zemel
Begin Date: 06/01/2023 
End Date: 05/31/2028
Grant Number: 2229929
Is this grant pending? No
Select a field of science: (add your field)
Awarded Amount: 20 million 
Percentage of Supporting Grant that will be applied to the research on ACCESS Allocated Resources: 1%
Program Officer Name: Raghavachari, Sridhar
Program Officer Email:


Animal Behavior Video Analysis Working Group presents Srini Turaga, PhD, Group Leader from HHMI Janelia Research Campus

Date and Location: April 12th at 3pm at Zuckerman Institute, 3227 Broadway, Conf room: L3-079
More information here

ARNI faculty, Larry Abbott (William Bloor Professor of Theoretical Neuroscience and Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics) at Mortimer B Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, was a co-winner of the Brain Prize! 

Read more here

We would like to highlight ARNI achievements in future newsletters. Please share with us your events, papers, presentation, or any news you want to share with the ARNI community!